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LAURIE - Monaghan, Ireland; Ayrshire; Lanarkshire

Springside had many miners' rows, built by the mine owners for their workers. Corsehill, Sprigside and Bankhead were constructed by J & R. Howie, Archibald Finnie & Sons and A. Kenneth & Sons. Others rows were at nearby Overtoun, also Warwickhill row, and Kirkland row (where most of this family line lived) See further details here. More information from the mining website.


Thomas LAURIE was born 1823, Monaghan, Ireland. He married Mary MULLHOLLAND on 8th Oct 1847, Kilmarnock Their children were: Robert LAWRIE born 1849 (married Catherine CUTHBERTSON, then Marion BYRON in 1871) John LAWRIE born 1851 (who married Maggie McRONALD in 1871) Thomas LAWRIE born 1855 (and it it the 1855 birth certificate that states that the family was from Monaghan, Ireland) Margaret Jane LAWRIE boorn 1857 (married James MORROW in 1875) Janet LAWRIE born 1860, 2nd November address Hurlford, Riccarton Thomas LAWRIE 1867 born, Riccarton 24th March Mary MULLHOLLAND (born 1827) died in 1870 on 21st April of phthisis pulminales aged 43. Address given was 44 Strand Street, Kilmarnock. Her parents are recorded as John MULHOLLAND (dec) and Janet MULLHOLLAND (no maiden name provided). Thomas died in 1893 in the C.C. Poorhouse, Irvine aged 70 years. His father is recorded as Robert Laurie (dec) but there is no mention of his mother. He died of senile debility. (Widower of Mary MULLHOLLAND).   It is likely that his father was THOMAS (not Robert) as there is one Thomas LOWRY married to a Sophia BOYLAND, in Monaghan, Ireland.  This has so far not been proven through any documentary evidence.


Joseph LAURIE (coal miner) married Sarah GRAHAM on 30th December 1898,  (Dreghorn). Joseph already had a daughter Hannah from his first marriage to Elizabeth JONES (whom he married in Indiana, USA). Joseph's parents were Robert LAURIE (dec) coalminer and Marion BYRON (dec). Joseph's address was Thornton Rows; Sarah GRAHAM's address was Warwickhill Rows. Joseph LAURIE and Sarah GRAHAM had the following children: Robert LAURIE born 17th March 1899 address Douglas' Land, Crosshouse Jeannie McBride LAURIE born 22nd January 1901 (address Warwickhill Rows) Henry Graham LAURIE born 8th April 1904 (address Warwickhill Rows) (Father Joseph recorded as a coalminer) Sarah GRAHAM was born 8th April 1877 to Henry GRAHAM (coal miner) and Jane McBride. They married on 9th Dec 1873, Johnstone, Renfrew. Sarah died 14th May 1944 at 35A Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge aged 67 years of carito sicca of lumbar vertebrae. Henry GRAHAM (father dec) and Jane GRAHAM (not dec) Joseph LAURIE died in 1935 at 35A Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge aged 66 years.= of high blood pressure, and convulsions. Death reported by Robert Laurie, son, 1 Annathill by Glenboig.


Joseph LAURIE married Elizabeth JONES on 10th August, 1888 in Cardonia, Indiana, USA. It is almost certain that Joseph sailed to USA (aged 19) with his Aunt Mary BYRON (servant) as she appears on the shipping list (Ship= Circassia 1887?). Joseph appears as a miner. Joseph and Elizabeth had one daughter called Hannah. After Elizabeth died on 24th Nov 1897 aged 27 years, he married Sarah GRAHAM. Elizabeth died from acute phthisis pulmonalis; and diarrhoea. Her parents were John JONES (blacksmith journeyman, dec) and Hannah HOPKISSON. Hannah Hopkisson LAURIE was born 30th November 1894 at 62 Hamilton Palace Colliery?, Bothwell Haugh? 

Robert Laurie appeared on the 1901 Scottish census(aged 2) along with his half-sister (Hannah aged 6) and sister Jeannie (aged 2 months). Robert's parents were Joseph LAURIE and Sarah GRAHAM (aged 33 and 23 respectively on the 1901 census). 

In Ayrshire, there are many LAURIE families, and many are connected in some way.  Hopefully the snippets of each will eventually join up in some way. 

1901 Christina Wilson LAURIE was born to Thomas LAURIE (coalminer) and Jane WILSON (who married on 3rd November 1893, Dreghorn). The address given was Kirkland Rows. 

1902 - Mary Kirkland LAURIE was born to William LAURIE (coalminer) and Mary FREW (who married 2nd February 1900, Dreghorn). There appeared to be many miners' rows (cottages) and the address given on the birth certificate was Warwickhill Rows.


1870 - 30th December - Robert LAURIE married Marion BYRON Marion BYRON had Joseph McDonald BYRON (illegitimate) before she married Robert LAURIE. Joseph McDonald BYRON was born on 29th March 1868, address 33 High Street, Kilmarnock. Marion's profession was a Bonnet Knitter. Robert is aged 22 from Dean Lane Kilmarnock. His parents were Thomas LAURIE (not dec) and Mary MULLHOLLAND (dec).  Marion (aged 23) - parents were Robert BYRON ( dec) and Agnes? BARR (dec) also from Dean Lane. 

Robert Laurie and Marion BYRON's children were Joseph (McDonald BYRON) born March 29th 1868 (then assumed LAURIE surname upon his marriage to Sarah GRAHAM). Thomas LAURIE born 9th January 1872 Gauchallard Row, Galston 

Marion LAURIE born 1872 1873 - Marion died aged 26 (at Maxwood cottages, Galston) 4th Dec 1873 of typhoid fever. On the death certificate, the parents' names are Robert BYRON coalminer, dec and Marion BARR (not Agnes on the death certificate) Robert remarried in 1875 to Catherine CUTHBERTSON.

Most of the LAURIEs in Ayrshire/Lanarkshire are connected to each other (despite the many different spellings that appear on certificates- LAURIE/LAWRIE/LOWRIE/LOWRY:


After the death of Marion BYRON, Robert LAURIE (aged 26) married Catherine CUTHBERTSON (aged 25) on 4th June 1875 at Wallace Street, Galston. His father Thomas, was still alive, but mother (Mary MULLHOLLAND) was deceased. Their children were: Janet LAURIE born 6th May 1890 at No. 23 Kelk Place, Kilmaurs. Catherine CUTHBERTSON's parents were William CUTHBERTSON (cotton weaver, deceased) and Susan O'BRIEN (not dec).


Margaret Jane LAWRIE born 1857, married James MORROW (born Ireland) in 1875 Their children were James MORROW born 1878 Mary MORROW born 1880


John LAWRIE married Maggie (Margaret) McRonald (b 1852) in 1871 3rd March. John was a coal miner aged 20 address 13 Moden? Close, Kilmarnock (parents Thomas LAURIE, engine keeper and Mary MULLHOLLAND dec). Margaret McRonald's parents were John McRonnald (wool spinner) and Elizabeth SMITH. Their children were: Thomas LAWRIE born 1872 Elizabeth LAWRIE born 1874 John LAWRIE born 1878 Robert LAWRIE born 1879 Jeanie LAWRIE born 28th May 1881, No. 21 Kelk? Place, Kilmaurs


Thomas LAURIE was the son of Robert LAURIE and Marion BYRON.  Thomas LAURIE (coalminer aged 21) and Jeanie WILSON (domestic servant, aged 18) married on 3rd November 1893 Springhill Row, Dreghorn. Thomas' parents were Robert LAURIE and Marion BYRON both deceased. Jeanie WILSON's parents were Ephraim Wilson and Mary Kirk? Thomas LAURIE and Jeanie WILSON had the following children: Christina Wilson Laurie born 22nd March 1901, Kirkland Rows, Dreghorn Susan LAURIE born 24th July 1905 Warwickhill Rows, Dreghorn, County of Ayr.


It would appear that Robert LAURIE's second marriage was to Catherine CUTHBERTSON (m 1875) and their son William LAURIE married Mary FREW in 1900. (Catherine CUTHBERTSON died in 1873). William LAURIE (coal miner aged 21) and Mary FREW (domestic servant aged 22) married 2nd February 1900 (Springhill Institute, Dreghorn). William's parents were Robert LAURIE coal miner (dec) and Catherine CUTHBERTSON (not dec). Mary's parents were Robert Frew coal miner (dec) and Mary KIRKLAND (who married in 1867, Kirkland Rows, Parish of Dreghorn). William LAURIE and Mary FREW had the following children: Robert LAURIE born 28th June 1900 address Warwickhill Rows. Mary Kirkland LAURIE born 22nd May 1902, address Warwickhill Rows William Frew LAURIE born 3rd May 1904 address Warwickhill Rows Thomas LAURIE born 29th November 1906, Springhill Six Rows 

NOTES: May be connected: Daniel Crawford b: 09 Jan 1872 in Dalry, Ayr, Scotland/Dalry, Scotland d: 04 Nov 1922 in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland +Elizabeth Todd Frew b: 09 Jun 1873 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland m: 07 Oct 1892 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland: 30 Nov 1951 in Vancouver, British Columbia

Ancestors of Joseph LAURIE

Generation 1

Joseph LAURIE, son of Robert LAURIE and Janet BAILLIE, was born on 18 Aug 1930. He died on 11 Jul 1983 in Crosshouse Hospital, Ayrshire. He married PRIVATE.

Generation 2

Robert LAURIE, son of Joseph LAURIE and Sarah GRAHAM, was born on 17 Mar 1899 in Douglas Land, Crosshouse, Ayrshire. He died in 1970 in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Janet BAILLIE on 26 Jul 1929 in Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Janet BAILLIE was born on 16 Apr 1900 in Todriggs, Riccarton, Ayrshire. She died in 1989 in Darvel, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Janet BAILLIE and Robert LAURIE had 2 children:

1. Joseph LAURIE was born on 18 Aug 1930. He died on 11 Jul 1983 in Crosshouse Hospital, Ayrshire. He married PRIVATE.


Generation 3

Joseph LAURIE, son of Robert LAURIE and Marion BYRON, was born on 29 Mar 1868 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died on 23 Dec 1934 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge,. He married Sarah GRAHAM on 30 Dec 1898 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Sarah GRAHAM, daughter of Henry GRAHAM and Jean McBride, was born on 08 Apr 1877 at 11 Graham Street, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. She died on 14 May 1944 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge.


Notes for Joseph LAURIE:

Joseph LAURIE (born Joseph McDonald BYRON - the illegitimate son of Marion BYRON who later married Robert LAURIE) sailed to America (when he was 19) on the ship Circassia .  He met Elizabeth JONES and married in Indiana.  On their return, their daughters Marion Byron LAURIE and Hannah Hopkisson LAURIE were born.  

Sarah GRAHAM and Joseph LAURIE had the following children:

Robert LAURIE was born on 17 Mar 1899 in Douglas Land, Crosshouse, Ayrshire. He died in 1970 in Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Janet BAILLIE on 26 Jul 1929 in Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland. She was born on 16 Apr 1900 in Todriggs, Riccarton, Ayrshire. She died in 1989 in Darvel, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Jeannie McBride LAURIE was born on 22 Jan 1901 in Warwickhill Rows, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. She died on 04 Nov 1957 at 9 Armour Ave. Airdrie, Lanarkshire. She married Hugh Miller WINTERBOTTOM. 

Henry Graham LAURIE was born on 08 Apr 1904 in Warwickhill Rows, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. He died on 16 Nov 1905 in Springhill Six Rows, Dreghorn, Ayrshire.


Henry Graham LAURIE was born on 19 Apr 1912 in Greenwood, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. He died in 1986 in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Joseph LAURIE was born on 22 Apr 1909 in Springhill Six Rows, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. He died in 1978 in Lambeth, England.

Marion Byron LAURIE was born on 24 Aug 1912 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. She died in 1998 in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Notes for Marion Byron LAURIE:

This is actually the child of Hannah LAURIE, born illegitimately to Hannah and Robert Allan (farmer).  Subsequent checking of Marion Byron LAURIE's marriage and death, all name Hannah LAURIE (married to Robert FULTON) as the mother.  She appears on the 1921 census as the granddaughter.

Thomas LAURIE was born on 29 Jul 1907 in Springhill Six Rows, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. He died on  Feb 1989 in Redbridge, Essex, England.

Generation 4

Robert LAURIE, son of Thomas LAURIE and Mary MULLHOLLAND, was born in 1849 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died on 21 Mar 1893 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Marion BYRON on 30 Dec 1870 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Marion BYRON, daughter of Robert BYRON and Marion BARR, was born in 1848 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. She died on 04 Dec 1873 in Maxwood Cottages, Galston, Ayrshire.


Notes for Robert LAURIE:

The line of Robert LAURIE and his second wife (Catherine CUTHBERTSON) accounts for the many LAURIE families in Dreghorn.  William LAURIE married Mary FREW and had no fewer than 5 children.

Marion BYRON and Robert LAURIE had the following children:

Joseph LAURIE was born on 29 Mar 1868 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died on 23 Dec 1934 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge. He married Sarah GRAHAM on 30 Dec 1898 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. She was born on 08 Apr 1877 at 11 Graham Street, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. She died on 14 May 1944 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge. He married Elizabeth JONES on 10 Aug 1888 in Clay County, Indiana, USA. She was born in 1870. She died on 24 Nov 1897 in Crosshouse, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire.

Thomas LAURIE was born on 09 Jan 1872 in Gauchalland Row, Galston, Ayrshire. He died on 26 Mar 1937 at 5 Maxwood Road, Galston, Ayrshire. He married Jeannie WILSON on 03 Nov 1893 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Marion LAURIE was born on 04 Oct 1873 in Maxwood Cottages, Galston, Ayrshire. She died on 27 Apr 1874 in Maxwood Cottages, Galston, Ayrshire.

Henry GRAHAM, son of Henry GRAHAM and Jane FLEMING, was born about 1855. He died on 12 Apr 1921 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Jean McBride on 09 Dec 1873 in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

Jean McBride, daughter of William McBRIDE and Sarah CLYDE, was born on 04 Jan 1855 in New Monkland, Lanark, Scotland. She died on 23 Jan 1949 in Main St, Dreghorn, Ayrshire.

Jean McBride and Henry GRAHAM had the following children:

Sarah GRAHAM was born on 08 Apr 1877 at 11 Graham Street, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. She died on 14 May 1944 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge. She married Joseph LAURIE on 30 Dec 1898 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. He was born on 29 Mar 1868 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died on 23 Dec 1934 in Russell Colt Street, Coatbridge,.


William GRAHAM was born in 1874.

Henry GRAHAM was born in 1880.

Generation 5

Thomas LAURIE, son of Robert LAURIE, was born about 1821 in Monaghan, Ireland. He died on 11 Jan 1893 in Cunninghame Combination Poorhouse, Irvine, Ayrshire. He married Mary MULLHOLLAND on 08 Oct 1847 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Mary MULLHOLLAND, daughter of John MULLHOLLAND and Janet KENNEDY, was born in 1827 in Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland. She died on 21 Apr 1870 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.


Notes for Thomas LAURIE:

By 1891, Thomas Laurie was living as a lodger at No. 8 Lyons Land, Crookedholme, Hurlford, Kilmarnock.   He was listed as age 65, boarder, furnace labourer, born Ireland.  He entered the Cunningham Combination Poorhouse the following year on the 24 April 1892 and died there on the 11 January 1893.  As both his daughters had died at an early age, he probably couldn't cope on his own.

Mary MULLHOLLAND and Thomas LAURIE had the following children:

Robert LAURIE born 1849, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Died 21st March 1893, at Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland.   He married Marion Byron on 30th December 1870 and assumed the parentage of Joseph McDonald Byron (who appears as stepson on the census).  Marion was born in 1848 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland and died on the 4th of December, 1873 at Maxwood Cottages, Galston, Ayrshire.  Robert LAURIE then married Catherine CUTHBERTSON on 4th June 1875, at Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland.

John LAURIE was born in 1851 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died in 1884 in Loudon, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Margaret McRONALD on 03 Mar 1871 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Thomas LAURIE was born on 20 May 1855 in Low Glencairn Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. He died on 11 Jun 1856 in Strand Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.


Notes for Thomas LAURIE:

Although this is the first birth certificate found for any of Thomas and Mary's children, the 1855 certificate provides a lot of information.  This is their 4th child (2 boys living and 1 girl dead).  The certificate also confirms that the parents were from Monaghan, Northern Ireland and Antrim.

The spelling of LAURIE in this certificate is LOWRIE.

Margaret Jane LAURIE was born on 05 Aug 1857 in Douglas Street, Kilmarnock. She died on 13 Sep 1881 in 27 West Shaw Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. She married James MORROW. 

Notes for Margaret Jane LAURIE:

As with Thomas, the surname spelling is LOWRIE on the birth certificate.

Janet LAURIE was born on 02 Nov 1860 in Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland. She died on 01 Jun 1883 in 2 Fulton's Lane, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. She married James McGregor on 03 Jun 1881 in 27 West Shaw Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

Notes for Janet LAURIE:

Spelling of surname is LAWRIE on the birth certificate.  She was born at Gatehouse, Riccarton.

Thomas LAURIE was born on 24 Mar 1867 in Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died in 1933.

Robert BYRON, son of John BYRON and Elizabeth CAMPBELL, was born in 1813. He died on 04 Aug 1866 in 33 High Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. He married Marion BARR.

Marion BARR, daughter of John BARR and Agnes LITTLEJOHN, was born on 17 May 1817. She died on 01 Sep 1866 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

Marion BARR and Robert BYRON had the following children:

Marion BYRON was born in 1848 in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland. She died on 04 Dec 1873 in Maxwood Cottages, Galston, Ayrshire. She married Robert LAURIE on 30 Dec 1870 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He was born in 1849 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He died on 21 Mar 1893 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Agnes BYRON was born about 1852. She married William McMillan in 1858. He was born about 1839.

Robert BYRON was born in 1840 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Jane HUDSON on 15 Mar 1851 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Elizabeth BYRON was born in 1849 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Mary BYRON was born on 03 Mar 1858 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Catherine BYRON was born in 1853 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Henry GRAHAM, son of Samuel GRAHAM and Sarah HEMPHILL, was born in 1818 in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. He married Jane FLEMING.

Jane FLEMING was born in 1818. She died in 1851.

Jane FLEMING and Henry GRAHAM had the following child:

Henry GRAHAM was born about 1855. He died on 12 Apr 1921 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Jean McBride on 09 Dec 1873 in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland. She was born on 04 Jan 1855 in New Monkland, Lanark, Scotland. She died on 23 Jan 1949 in Main St, Dreghorn, Ayrshire.

William McBRIDE was born about 1825. He married Sarah CLYDE on 01 May 1847 in New Monkland, Lanark, Scotland.

Sarah CLYDE was born about 1827.

Sarah CLYDE and William McBRIDE had the following children:

Jean McBride was born on 04 Jan 1855 in New Monkland, Lanark, Scotland. She died on 23 Jan 1949 in Main St, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. She married Henry GRAHAM on 09 Dec 1873 in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland. He was born about 1855. He died on 12 Apr 1921 in Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland.

William Robert McBRIDE was born on 24 Mar 1864 in Banbridge, Down, Northern Ireland.

Elizabeth McBRIDE was born on 01 Apr 1858 in Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Generation 6

Robert LAURIE.

Robert LAURIE had the following child:

Thomas LAURIE was born about 1821 in Monaghan, Ireland. He died on 11 Jan 1893 in Cunninghame Combination Poorhouse, Irvine, Ayrshire. He married Mary MULLHOLLAND on 08 Oct 1847 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. She was born in 1827 in Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland. She died on 21 Apr 1870 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

John MULLHOLLAND was born about 1798 in Ireland. He died about 1852 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He married Janet KENNEDY about 1824 in Ireland.

Janet KENNEDY was born in 1808. She died on 19 Jul 1881 in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Janet KENNEDY and John MULLHOLLAND had the following children:

Mary MULLHOLLAND was born in 1827 in Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland. She died on 21 Apr 1870 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. She married Thomas LAURIE on 08 Oct 1847 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He was born about 1821 in Monaghan, Ireland. He died on 11 Jan 1893 in Cunninghame Combination Poorhouse, Irvine, Ayrshire.

Hannah MULLHOLLAND was born on 17 Aug 1839.

John BYRON.  He married Elizabeth CAMPBELL.

Elizabeth CAMPBELL, daughter of Alexander CAMPBELL and Catherin SKELLY, was born in 1787. She died in 1861.

Elizabeth CAMPBELL and John BYRON had the following child:

Robert BYRON was born in 1813. He died on 04 Aug 1866 in 33 High Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. He married Marion BARR.  She was born on 17 May 1817. She died on 01 Sep 1866 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

John BARR.  He married Agnes LITTLEJOHN.


Agnes LITTLEJOHN and John BARR had the following children:

Marion BARR was born on 17 May 1817. She died on 01 Sep 1866 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. She married Robert BYRON.  He was born in 1813. He died on 04 Aug 1866 in 33 High Street, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

Christian BARR was born on 15 May 1807 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Agnes BARR was born on 16 May 1813 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Margaret BARR was born on 25 Feb 1809 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Steven BARR was born on 20 May 1819.

Robert Glasgow BARR was born on 20 May 1821 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

James BARR was born on 18 Jul 1805.

Stewart BARR was born on 17 May 1815 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

David MacGregor BARR was born on 20 Jan 1827 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

William BARR was born on 17 May 1811 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

George Colville BARR was born on 06 Aug 1824 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Samuel GRAHAM.  He married Sarah HEMPHILL.


Sarah HEMPHILL and Samuel GRAHAM had the following child:

Henry GRAHAM was born in 1818 in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. He married Jane FLEMING.  She was born in 1818. She died in 1851.

Generation 7

Alexander CAMPBELL.  He married Catherin SKELLY on 27 Dec 1871 in Wigtown, Wigtownshire, Scotland.

Catherin SKELLY was born in Sorbie, Wigtownshire, Scotland in 1812. She died in Sorbie, Wigtownshire, Scotland.

Catherin SKELLY and Alexander CAMPBELL had the following child:

Elizabeth CAMPBELL was born in 1787. She died in 1861. She married John BYRON. 


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